Kamala Harris Promises ‘Red Flag Law’ at First Election Rally! Harsh Words Against Trump

Kamala Harris Promises Red Flag Law at First Election Rally

Addressing a crowd of thousands in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a key state in the November presidential election in the United States, Harris said that if elected president, her priorities would be combating child poverty, union rights, affordable healthcare and “being able to retire with dignity.” In her campaign speech, Harris said the choice between herself and Republican Party candidate Donald Trump would be “a choice between freedom and chaos.” Harris said, “We believe in a future where every individual has the opportunity not only to continue their lives but also to advance.”


“I’ve fought all kinds of criminals. Violators who abuse women, fraudsters who defraud consumers, crooks who break the rules for their own personal gain. So listen up, I know what Donald Trump is like,” Harris said.

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Harris argued that Republican Party candidate Trump is supported by billionaires and represents the special interests of individuals and corporations, while her own campaign says “people first.” Arguing that her opponent Trump’s policies are outdated and backward, Harris said, “We are not going back. I will tell you why we are not going back. Ours is a fight for the future.”

The Democratic politician has promised to pass a risk-based gun seizure law, also known as a “red flag law,” to protect people from gun violence, require background checks on gun sales and impose an assault weapons ban. “We have things to do in the next 105 days. We have an election to win,” Harris said in her first campaign speech. “Are we ready to fight? Yes, we will fight and win.” (İHA)This content was published by Metin Yamaner
