Kamala Harris goes on the offensive in Milwaukee

Kamala Harris goes on the offensive in Milwaukee

The presidential campaign in the United States. Vice President Kamala Harris will be the Democratic candidate. She has enough delegates to be sworn in in August at her party’s convention in Chicago. For her first trip to the field, she has chosen a key state, Wisconsin, with a rally in the city of Milwaukee.

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We’re not going back “. ” We will not go back “, chantKamala Harris and the public of Milwaukee, a city ofUNITED STATES overwhelmingly Democratic party that had to host the Republican convention last week. Clearly, Democratic activists wanted and perhaps needed, after weeks of doubt, to get excited about a candidate who came to present to them the choice she believed was offered in this election.

Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and the rule of law? Or a country of chaos, fear, and hatred? »

White House candidate goes on the offensive

Kamala Harris denounces the Republican project on abortion, health protection and the economy. And like the day before in front of her campaign team, she assimilates Donald Trump to a sexual predator, a fraudster and a cheat who is only in it for his own gain. Nevertheless, she is behind him in the polls and she is urging her audience to campaign.

Do we believe in freedom? Do we believe in opportunity? Do we believe in the promise of America? And are we willing to fight for it? And when we fight, we win. ” Kamala Harris has just over 100 days left to do so.

Also listen toUSA 2024: the presidential campaign in music
