Kaaris accused of violence by his ex-girlfriend: the defense of the rapper

Kaaris accused of violence by his ex girlfriend the defense of

KAARIS. Rapper Kaaris, accused of violence by his ex-girlfriend, is about to file a complaint.

One denounces violence, the other “imaginary accusations.” Friday, July 15, a preliminary investigation targeting the rapper Kaaris was opened by the Evry prosecution, after a complaint for aggravated willful violence filed by his ex-girlfriend, revealed AFP, confirming information from the Parisian. The latter would also have filed a complaint against the new friend of Kaaris, for non-assistance to anyone in danger. The facts she describes date back to January 19, 2021.

At the time, the couple, who had a little girl in common, had been separated for several months. In his complaint story, consulted by the newspaper, Kaaris’ ex-companion explains that he surprised the rapper with his new friend at his home in Essonne. After attacking the car of this new companion, the complainant recounts having been beaten in the garage of Kaaris, whom she accuses of having kicked and punched her and of having torn off her nails. The new companion of Kaaris would not have tried to intervene to separate the former spouses, still according to the complaint.

Faced with these accusations, Kaaris denies the facts. The rapper’s lawyers, Mes Yassine Maharsi and Yassine Yakouti, assure AFP that their client is “appeased and serene” in the face of “imaginary and opportunistic accusations which could be swept away by a reverse investigation. This is the story of a jealous woman who needs to exist.” Master Maharsi assures the Mouv’ that a “complaint for slanderous denunciation is being drafted”. And to tackle: “My client is undergoing an ignoble media vendetta. Justice will, without a doubt, know how to restore the truth, and he refutes any accusation of violence and demonstrated to justice the dishonesty of his ex- girlfriend… Whose only goal is money.”
