Kaapo Kakko is finally returning to the trough – the NHL star has been watching the Finnish Champions League playoffs: “I’m looking forward to the Ilves series”

Kaapo Kakko is finally returning to the trough the

For Kaapo Kako, the New York Rangers, heartwind was a difficult time. The days became long at the time of the injury. Towards the spring, the Turku striker has started to watch the Finnish Champions League playoffs more closely. However, a return to action is imminent.

On Saturday, you can get excited about the League League and the NHL puck from ‘s channels. Puhheen’s Hockey Tour will follow the semi-finals of the Finnish Championships starting at 4.30 pm. The NHL game in Dallas and New Jersey will start on TV2 at 9 p.m. Nashville and Florida will meet at 1 p.m.

For many Finnish NHL players, the bond with their own club in Finland remains close throughout the years in North America. While the time difference makes it difficult to watch matches, especially during the playoffs, many NHL players try to find a time window to see their team’s matches.

One of the Finns who closely follows the extracts of his breeders’ association is the New York Rangers Kaapo Kakko.

Turku-based Kako has had more time than usual to watch TPS matches this spring. Kakko, who broke his wrist in January due to an operation in his hand, has been playing games for almost three months now. He played the previous NHL game on January 21st.

Needless to say, a lot of lullaby time is left out of the time spent on rehabilitation and training when games and travel are not part of a player’s daily life.

– It’s been a long day, and it’s heavy. I’ve never been away for so long. I have watched my own team games and gone to home games on the spot. Quite alone, I’m here when the guys are on a longer trip. I have watched a lot of sports and played consoles, Kakko tells Urheilu.

Kakko has also watched domestic sports.

– Now I’ve watched the Finnish Championships. There were now in the first round really all the series really interesting. There seemed to be tough games.

And Kakko hasn’t gotten out of his black and white stripes. What warmed him the most was how the violin played in Turku in the seventh match of Teps and HIFK.

– Yes, it treats Teps’ games differently than the Jukuri and KooKoo series. It was a really exciting series, it has to be said. I have a lot of acquaintances there, some of whom I have played with since June and some in the league. The guys did a great job, and I’m already looking forward to the Ilves series, Kakko tastes.

Kakko also noticed the enthusiasm of the Turku audience. Usually, the slowly warming TPS community found a very decisive match, with an audience of over 8,000.

– Great to see how the people of Turku had found the place. There was such a feeling when the hall was full and there was a seven-handed game to hit a couple of goals. It could have been a pretty nice feeling, Kakko laughs.

When the speech turns to the successors of Teps, Kakko brings out the players of the younger generation.

– The number one chain and young people have been remembered (Aarne) Intoset and others. There have been tough purchases up to KHL, but the foreigners are watching from the stands as Teps ’own juns take the team forward. There were a lot of guys in the HIFK series who played well.

TPS is applying for the second consecutive final place in the Ilves series starting on Saturday. The last time the finals were played in Turku for two years in a row was in the spring of 1999 and 2000. Many people think that Ilves, who defeated the flies in the overtime game, will go to the series as a favorite.

– Wasn’t that the same thing in the HIFK series? HIFK had a hard bundle and a lot of namesakes, but that’s how it just crashed. The lynx is certainly a favorite for many, but let’s look at it now. With four teams left, the differences between them all are really small in the end.

“I just listened to what the doctors say and decide”

The return of the Rangers striker, who has been out of play for nearly three months, is approaching all the time. He is likely to return to team practice soon, and that means getting into the games will soon be an issue as well.

However, Kakko cannot yet give an exact timetable.

– We’re going better. I can do more now, but I am not yet one hundred percent. For quite a few weeks I just skated and made pounds. I have maintained and developed my skating condition. You should now be able to train with the team. I should be in good shape when I return.

– It’s still open. I’ve just listened to what the doctors say and decide.

Kako has time, at least in theory, as the Rangers still have ten regular season matches left. After that, there are playoffs ahead, so there may be a long spring ahead.

– The hard credit is that the games will continue for some time to come, and with that in mind, I’ve worked here. There are now a few game regulars left. I hope to get under a few games before the playoffs. Sure, a few games are going to make me feel, but then I’m in full swing. The man should be in good shape, Kakko decides.
