Justin Timberlake sentenced to community service for drunk driving

Justin Timberlake sentenced to community service for drunk driving

The American singer was sentenced on Friday, September 13, after driving while intoxicated. A plea deal allowed him to avoid harsher sentences.

Justin Timberlake pleaded guilty on Friday, September 13, to driving while intoxicated. He was sentenced to a $500 fine and to perform 25 hours of community service by a judge in a Sag Harbor court near New York. The pop star will also have to make a public statement on road safety.

The singer and actor was arrested on June 18 in an upscale area east of New York. He was driving a BMW and ran a stop sign. Justin Timberlake had “bloodshot eyes, his breath smelled of alcohol” and he was unable to keep his vehicle on a “good” trajectory, according to the police, reports The Dauphiné Libéréaccording to information from AFP. According to CNewsthe star had also failed sobriety tests.

Agreement reached with the judge

During the hearing this Friday, Justin Timberlake expressed his deep regrets. He admitted not having been in a fit state to drive at the time of his arrest. By pleading guilty, the artist escapes any criminal prosecution and trial. His lawyer, Edward Burke Jr, has indeed reached an agreement with the judge, reports the American site TMZ. The drunk driving charges were dropped and reclassified as “driving with reduced abilities.” This change radically reduced the penalties incurred, explains CNews: previously, he risked up to a year in prison, a $1,000 fine and a six-month license suspension.
