Justice Department releases damning evidence

Justice Department releases damning evidence

The Department of Justice, under pressure since the search of Donald Trump’s home in early August, is issuing new damning pleadings for the former president. Investigators accuse him of hiding highly classified documents, found on the floor of his Florida residence, to obstruct the investigation against him.

With our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson

Dozens of official documents stamped Top secret strewn across the carpet at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s residence in Florida. The photo published overnight by the Department of Justice created amazement on social networks and American news channels. These files include, according to the investigators, information allowing the identification of clandestine human sources of the American intelligence services.

These documents, highly confidential, should never have left the White House. They were seized by the FBI during the search of Donald Trump’s private club on August 8th. An aggravating factor, according to the Ministry of Justice, the former president has ” probably hidden these files in order to obstruct the investigation against him. If the ministry distributes these 36 pages of pleadings, it is to respond to the protests of Donald Trump who claims to be the victim of persecution.

For many observers, these documents prove on the contrary a flagrant violation of the law on espionage. And more and more voices are rising to ask the Department of Justice to indict Donald Trump, but no charges against himis not yet in sight.
