Just over seven years in prison for torpedo

Just over seven years in prison for torpedo
full screen A 21-year-old man has been sentenced to just over seven years in prison by the Kalmar district court for preparation for murder and aggravated weapons offences. Stock photography Photo: Mikael Fritzon / TT

A 21-year-old man who was singled out as a sent torpedo with the task of shooting a teenager who lived in a residential area in Kalmar has been sentenced to seven and a half years in prison, local media reports. He is convicted of preparation for murder and aggravated weapons offences.

It was last winter that the police were alerted that a masked person was moving in the villa area. The 21-year-old tried to escape on an electric scooter but was arrested by the police. A loaded gun was later found at the scene.

The target is said to have been a teenager who lived in the area but was not at home at the time. According to the prosecutor, he was a witness in a trial about a shooting in Kalmar.

Another 21-year-old man who allegedly drove the torpedo to Kalmar is acquitted by the district court of aiding and abetting the preparation for murder.
