Just one cube destroys the body! The most harmful food in the world: The diseases it causes are scary

Just one cube destroys the body The most harmful food

It is known that soups and rice are much tastier and healthier when they are made with meat and chicken broth. However, many people think that making meat and chicken broth is challenging and prefer to use ready-made bouillons instead. There are even those who think these bouillons are healthy! Studies have found that meat/chicken bouillons cause numerous diseases.

MSG CONTAINED IN bouillons destroys health

Bouillons contain a harmful substance called Mono sodium glutamate (MSG). This substance, called Chinese salt, is considered dangerous by experts. The damage of the product, which destroys the body by causing many diseases, is truly incredible. Due to the chemicals in the bouillon, the body enters into a collective reaction called ‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome’ and when consumed regularly in meals; abnormal heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, brain fog and even Alzheimer’s.


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The reason why bouillons are so harmful is the additive called Mono sodium glutamate (MSG) in its content. MSG, which is found in bouillons and used to give meat flavor to meals, damages the central nervous system of the person. It causes Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy and Huntington’s diseases.


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MSG, which stands for mono sodium glutamate, is a flavor-enhancing chemical product. When this product, known as Chinese salt, is consumed excessively; It causes health problems such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, pancreatic damage, growth in the eye retina, fat accumulation, insulin increase, obesity.


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Consumption of MSG also leads to fat accumulation, disorder in the saturation mechanism, obesity, suppression of growth hormone, pancreatic damage, increase in insulin and accordingly diabetes, kidney and liver damage.


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Among the products containing MSG; meat bouillon, chicken bouillon, chips, ice cream, colorful yogurt and instant soup. The use of these products, especially during pregnancy, is considered very inconvenient by experts. The biggest harm in consuming foods containing MSG during pregnancy is that it crosses the placenta and directly harms the baby.
