Jupiter would have devoured planetesimals during its youth

Jupiter would have devoured planetesimals during its youth

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[EN VIDÉO] Fly over Jupiter with the Juno spacecraft
Discover Jupiter as you’ve never seen it before thanks to the work of a citizen scientist. Using the images collected by the Juno probe, he managed to create a 3D model of the Jovian surface, of which he offers a breathtaking overview.

Fifth planet in our Solar System in order of distance to our star, Jupiter is on the other hand the largest (nearly 140,000 kilometers in diameter) and the most massive (more than 300 times the mass of the Earth). Similar in composition to Sunessentially made up ofhydrogen and D’heliumthe gas giant probably formed by accretion of materials in the nebula solar. But the presence of so-called metallic elements, heavier than helium, seems to indicate that Jupiter would not only have accreted gaseous materials during its first phases of existence, but also metallic elements, potentially coming from proto-planets. solids, called planetesimals.

Many probes to study the giant of the Solar System

Despite the visit of several probes since the beginning of the 1970s, Jupiter is still full of mysteries: the beautiful volutes of gas known to him are only representative of the upper 50 kilometers of theatmosphere of the planet, thus obstructing any view one might have of its structure and internal composition.

In 1995, the probe Galileo stands in orbit around Jupiter and drops a small atmospheric probe there, providing us with valuable information on the composition of the upper layers of its atmosphere, before being crushed by the strong pressure who reigns there. It was then necessary to wait until 2016 for the probe Juno of the Nasa is placed in orbit around Jupiter with the aim of collecting data on the internal layers of the planet, in particular through the study of its gravitational field. It is still in operation today, and NASA plans to stop the mission in 2025.

Training processes still debated

Although the idea that Jupiter was formed by gas accretion in the cloud protosolar is commonly accepted, the period and the processes of accretion of metallic elements are still subject to debate. The majority of the scientific community agrees that during its formation, the planet first accreted rocky material, then followed a rapid period of gaseous accretion, giving it its current dimensions. But the period of accretion of rocky material remains very vague: could the planet have accreted large rocky bodies — planetesimals — during its first phases of existence, or would it have been confined to capturing debris ?

A new study claims to be able to decide, thanks to the exploitation of gravitational data collected by Juno: according to the authors, the clues to the formation and evolution of Jupiter reside in the depths of its atmosphere. By mapping the presence of metallic elements in the planet’s core, derived from measurements made by the Gravity Science instrument mounted on the probe, the scientists succeeded in highlighting the highly inhomogeneous nature of its atmosphere: the majority of metallic elements are concentrated towards the center, for a total mass varying between 11 and 30 times the terrestrial mass.

Thus, Jupiter would have continued to accrete large quantities of metallic elements during the extension of its gaseous envelope.

According to the authors of the study, when a protoplanet is massive enough, it would begin to expel the surrounding debris, because of their too low mass; however, the richness in metallic elements observed in the gas giant could not have been reached before Jupiter was too massive to repel all the debris, thus implying the role of more massive rocky bodies in the first phases of accretions of the planet.

Thus, Jupiter would have continued to accrete large quantities of metallic elements during the extension of its gaseous envelope, calling into question the hypothesis of two distinct accretion periods. Moreover, the inhomogeneous nature of Jupiter’s atmosphere seems to demonstrate the absence of effective convective processes in its inner layers, which scientists previously thought were present.

In addition to a much more precise vision of the internal composition of Jupiter and its evolutionary processes, this study could also have repercussions on the study of exoplanets gasses and their metallicity.

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