June 12: Night’s News | SVT News

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

After alarm about shooting – person found injured at metro station

At around 10 pm, the police received several alarms about noise that was described as gunfire from the area at the metro station at Hässelby beach. An injured man was later found in the area.

– We are in place to find out more, we do this by talking to as many people as possible. We also have technicians there who are investigating the place, says the police’s spokesperson Towe Hägg to SVT Nyheter.

Tens of thousands demonstrated in the United States for tougher gun laws

Tens of thousands gathered in demonstrations and protests around the United States on Saturday to raise their voices against gun violence.

“Enough is enough”, these are the words that the Facebook group “March for our lives” used in a post to market Saturday’s protest march in Washington. Similar protests were organized around the country in an estimated 300 places against the escalating violence.

Huge fire at attacked factory

Russian shelling has caused a huge fire at the Azot chemical plant in the Ukrainian city of Sevierodonetsk. About 800 people are said to have sought refuge in the factory’s shelter. Described as one of Europe’s largest chemical plants, Azot has been under heavy fire from Russian forces.
