Julien: the last chance for the Star Academy candidate?

Julien the known brother of the Star Academy candidate

JULIAN CANABY. Outstanding student of this 2022 season of Star Academy, Julien is, for the third time, named and in danger this week.

[Mis à jour le 09 novembre 2022 à 18h47] Julien will have had only one week of respite at the Star Academy: the young man is, for the third time, nominated and therefore risks his place at the next prime, Saturday, November 12. The young man, sick, was totally destabilized by the exercise of the week: learning a song, drawn by lot, in one hour.

It’s with the piece Lucy, by Pascal Obispo, that Julien launched himself in front of the teachers of the Star Academy. But, forgetting his words and visibly lacking desire (or energy?), the young artist offered a performance judged to be well below the required level. This earned him a third nomination. TF1 viewers will have to decide between him and three other Star Ac’ students: Stan, Anisha and Tiana.

Julien’s known brother from Star Academy

Named and saved during the first two weeks of competition at the Star Academy, Julien is one of the strongest of the 13 students who entered the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys on October 15th. And the young budding artist is not the only one in his family of artists to have tried his luck on television.

Because if Julien Canaby was unknown when he arrived at Star Academy, the face of his brother is not unknown to viewers: Mathieu Canaby participated in the show Risingstar on M6 in 2014, reaching the final. Julien’s brother then tried his luck at the New star in 2017, where he came in fourth. Enough to give his little brother a desire for glitter, who does not however admit any particular ambition vis-à-vis the Star Ac’: “I come to get out of my comfort zone, to work the music, to work the dance , full of discoveries and I can’t wait!”

Julien, darling of the Star Academy?

Adored by viewers, abused by teachers? Julien, Star Academy 2022 candidate divides. Since entering the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys, the candidate has stood out for his apparent nonchalance, which visibly has the gift of annoying the faculty this season. Named twice and drafted as much, the young man has seduced TF1 viewers, no offense to his teachers, who have often pinned him for his behavior since the start of Star Academy.

Latest remonstrances, those of Laure Balon, stage expression teacher of this promotion. After last Saturday’s bonus, on TF1, the latter had offered Julien a salty debriefing, accusing him of “dragging the public” instead of focusing on his performance. The young man had suffered a panic attack before going on stage. “You were bad, but hang on to the text. Pass out, when you have done something”, then launched Laure Balon.

A scene that shocked viewers, some even reporting it to Arcom (ex-CSA), reports The Parisian. After her tense exchange with Julien, Laure Balon finally made a mea culpa and apologized to the budding artist. “I am supposed to teach you how to manage your emotions and I did not know how to manage mine, she explained to him, with tears in her eyes. I did not take your discomfort into account and I was not just with you.”

Julien Canaby, the troublemaker of Star Academy

Two weeks and two nominations. An uncomfortable position for the young man, who had to fight to save his place during the last two bonuses on TF1. Michael Goldman, director of the Star Academy, explained after the very first evaluation of the season, that Julien is a “super singer, you must not doubt it, but it is difficult to have access to you”, to justify this nomination. And to encourage him: “I would like you to take the risk of pleasing us.”

During the very first evening of the season, Julien had nevertheless marked the viewers of Star Academy, which made its big comeback on Saturday October 15 on TF1, by resuming the song To be a man like youby Ben l’Oncle Soul, excerpt from the film The jungle Book. If he was surprised by his ability to be comfortable on stage, Laure Balon, stage expression teacher at Star Academy will not have failed to call him to order from the first bonus debriefing, Monday 17 october.

But since then, the professors often reproach Julien for his lack of professionalism and his apparent nonchalance, encouraging him to redouble his efforts to try to escape a third consecutive appointment. “You’re not here to have fun, you’re here to learn! You, you’re here flirting with the public, you flirt with the camera to get the public to vote, even if you’ve been bad before! You only think about having fun and impressing those around you. You are there to work, to learn”, launched Laure Balon, professor of scenic expression, before calling him “lazy”.

Who is Julien Canaby, Star Academy candidate?

If he has been passionate about music since childhood, it is because he grew up in an environment bathed in instruments and singers. The young man has also been singing since he was little, as he admitted to France Blue : “I have a family of musicians who have transmitted this love of singing to me for years and years. My mother is a singer and my father is a musician, piano, guitar… My older brother is also a singer.”
