Julien Odoul (RN): “We don’t need to demonize the far left, it does it itself”

Julien Odoul RN We dont need to demonize the far

The National Rally (RN) obtained a significant result in the early legislative elections on Sunday, June 30, with the election of 39 deputies in the first round. The party collected 33% of the votes, its best score for a first round of legislative elections. However, this performance does not guarantee an absolute majority. Indeed, there are many withdrawals in view of the second round and they aim to counter the RN. To date – Tuesday, June 2 – more than 150 withdrawals have already been recorded, many from the left, but also from the presidential camp. The final count of withdrawals will be known this evening. Interview with Julien Odoul, deputy of Yonne and spokesperson for the National Rally.
