Julie Gayet says “yes” to cosmetic surgery, but on one condition…

Julie Gayet says yes to cosmetic surgery but on one

While some stars proclaim loud and clear that they will never have cosmetic surgery, Julie Gayet admits that she is not against the idea of ​​doing some touch-ups, but not at any price. Confidences.

Julie Gayet was the guest of Nagui and Leïla Kaddour in The original band on France Inter on March 16. The opportunity for the star to talk about a subject covered in the film Like an actress (in which she plays) on view since March 8, 2023: aging woman in a society marked by youthism.

Julie Gayet says “yes” to cosmetic surgery

Having recently joined the fifty-year-old club, Julie Gayet deplores the diktat of youth in today’s society and in the world of cinema where “the 50 years tunnel” makes the actresses disappear, as she had explained in the columns of the magazine She a few days ago. The wife of François Hollande admitted to the microphone of France Inter to have already heard sentences which shocked her, like “You’re still beautiful for your age!”. “As if we had to stay young all our lives! Men get better with age, but we women…”, she declared, making Nagui react, retorting that “it’s incredibly violent“. In this interview, Julie Gayet talked about possible solutions to look younger. I am not at all against the fact that we can do little things”, she confided evasively. What Nagui questioned: “You talk about the plastic surgery ?”. The actress then clarified:Yes, cosmetic surgery or a little descaling, here we are, we do a thousand things today to stay young, we do barre on the ground, we age more in the same way as, I think, our grandparents“.

Julie Gayet wants to avoid the “madness” of cosmetic surgery

Faced with this statement, Nagui admitted his incomprehension: “I’m sorry, but it’s not the same to say ‘I’m going to do Pilates, yoga’ and stay in shape, than to say to yourself ‘I’m going to have my nose redone or botox my forehead, my cheeks’…” . Julie Gayet then stressed that she is for cosmetic surgery, only sparingly. “We can tell ourselves that we can do little things because we want to be in shape or beautiful or beautiful […] but we can have fun, I love to wear make-up, […] it’s when it becomes madness, and that’s what the film is about, when it becomes an addiction, that is to say inability to come to terms with agingconcluded the Frenchwoman who is still resplendent at 50 years old.
