Julian Assange to his home country in Australia – Wikileaks: “Together we can move mountains” | Foreign countries

Julian Assange landed on the island of Saipan freedom

The founder of Wikileaks hugged his wife and met his supporters at the airport in Canberra. He did not attend the site’s press conference.

Current editor-in-chief of Wikileaks, Icelandic Kristinn Hrafnsson thanks to all the founder of the site Julian Assange supporters at a press conference in Canberra. Assange himself did not attend the press conference. whom The British Broadcasting Corporation showed live.

– Thank you to everyone who has been involved in making history. He said that together we can move mountains, the editor-in-chief said.

Among others, Assange’s lawyer spoke at the press conference held in Canberra Jen Robinson.

– The information published by Wikileaks was material of interest to the public, reminded Robinson.

Assange’s wife Stella Assange described his feelings as extremely strong, happy and relieved.

– They say that freedom comes slowly in trials like this. I want to give Julian time and space to recover. He has flown and traveled for a total of 72 hours, said Mrs. Assange.

Stella Assange emphasized that Julian Assange will always fight for human rights.

The press conference also discussed negotiations with the United States and Britain and freedom and responsibility of the press.
