Julian Assange decision from England! Home Minister Priti Patel confirms: WikiLeaks ‘a black day’

Julian Assange decision from England Home Minister Priti Patel confirms

British Home Secretary Priti Patel has approved the extradition of 50-year-old Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, to the United States. In the statement made by the Ministry of Interior, “After the evaluation made by both the Magistrates’ Court and the Supreme Court on June 17, it was decided to extradite Julian Assange to the USA. This decision preserves Assange’s normal 14-day right of appeal.” The ministry also stated that the British courts did not find that extradition of Assange was oppressive, unfair or aggravating the process.


After the confirmation of Assange’s extradition to the USA, a statement came from WikiLeaks. Describing the decision as “a black day for press freedom and British democracy”, WikiLeaks stated that they will continue to fight.


In the case, which was heard in the Supreme Court in London last December, it was argued that Assange was at risk of suicide due to mental health problems and therefore it was decided that he should not be extradited to the United States. However, after the US appealed to the Supreme Court, which gave the right to appeal the decision, the court decided in favor of the US. Assange, on the other hand, appealed the Supreme Court’s decision to extradite him to the United States in December 2021, but his appeal was rejected on March 14. After the said decision, it was stated that the file would be sent to the local court. In April, Westminster Magistrates Court decided to extradite Assange to the United States and sent the extradition file to the British government for approval.


The United States charges 18 separate charges against Australian-born journalist Assange for publishing a large number of secret US military records and diplomatic correspondence in 2010 through WikiLeaks, which he founded, and for putting the lives of some people in danger in this way. Julian Assange, who exposed the crimes against humanity committed by the USA during the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan with the documents he published, will face up to 175 years in prison if found guilty. Assange, who first took refuge in Ecuador and took shelter in Ecuador’s embassy in England due to lawsuits filed against him, had to live in a room in the embassy building for 7 years. Assange, who was released from the embassy and handed over to the UK on April 11, 2019, has been held in the maximum security Belmarsh prison in London for 3 years due to US accusations and extradition request. Assange married his fiancee, Stella Moris, behind bars in March. (UAV)
