Juha, 47, was killed when security guards intervened in the subway

Juha 47 was killed when security guards intervened in the
Two security guards arrested for grossly causing the death of another

Published: Just now

Juha Hynninen, 47, was killed this weekend when two security guards intervened against him in the subway.

Now they are suspected of grossly causing the death of another.

– Do you have to kill a person? I can’t understand that, never in my life, says Juha’s mother Kaija, 74.

When Kaija Hynninen, 74, opened the door to the two police officers at 06:30 on Sunday morning, she understood that something serious had happened.

They stepped in and told her that her son Juha Hynninen, 47, had died when two security guards intervened against him at the Rådmansgatan subway station in Stockholm.

– It was a shock. It was chaos in my head. Like someone slapped me in the face, I didn’t know if I was alive or if I was in another world. I didn’t understand anything, she says.

full screen Kaija Hynninen: “He must have been afraid for his life” Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard

Details: Took stranglehold

It was the last weekend of Juha’s vacation, and he was at a concert. After that he would take the subway home.

According to the police, he allegedly behaved aggressively and abused people. In connection with two security guards intervening on him, he is said to have lost consciousness and life-saving measures were started. According to information to Aftonbladet, the security guards have strangled the man.

The two security guards have been arrested, suspected of grossly causing the death of another. On Monday, they were questioned, but prosecutor Lucas Eriksson is tight-lipped about the preliminary investigation.

– I have no comment on the state of the evidence, he says.

One of the arrested law enforcement officers denies any wrongdoing. Aftonbladet is looking for the lawyer for the other as well.

Kaija Hynninen does not believe her son could have been so aggressive. But even if he was, she thinks they should have been able to handle it – without him dying.

– He must have been afraid for his life. There is way too much over-violence. God, that’s so tragic.

She is critical of the fact that the law enforcement officers who go into working life today have an education of only 80 hours behind them. But right now the uncertainty is the most troublesome. She hopes the truth will come out.

– I don’t want anyone to have to experience this. Life becomes so horrible and complicated.

full screen Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard
full screen Juha, 47, was at a concert during the evening and was on his way home. Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard

Was going to Gröna Lund with niece

Juha was not just a son. He was also an uncle, a really mischievous one, who used to play pranks on his niece Emina, 12.

– He was the best in the world. He was funny, used to tickle me and joke, she says.

Together, they used to push the boundaries set by Emina’s parents a little. They watched the TV series Stranger things or played video games. When she was at Grandma Kaija’s house, he used to drive her home. He turned on Rix FM, loudly sang along to the songs, then headed towards Mc Donalds. There they bought ice cream and chips, even though Emina had already eaten dinner.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, they would go to Gröna Lund, just the two of them.

– The only thing I want is for people to stop being very violent. You don’t have to strangle people, she says.

Met on the same day

Juha used to be at her mother Kaija’s house almost every day. They cooked, talked and joked. He used to help her with shopping and everyday chores.

– He was a very important person, as children usually are to their mothers, even though they are adults.

Kaija saw her son for the last time on the day he died. She had cooked summer soup, and he told her that he was looking forward to the evening.

– I could never have guessed that it was the last hug when he left. But so it was.

Now she wrestles with questions in her head about why this had to happen.

– But I keep quiet, it doesn’t get any better. What has happened has happened. I can’t get Juha back. I can do anything, he will never come back.

full screen Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard
full screen Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard


Security guards

Wardens are trained by the police and the police are also responsible for supervision. According to the instructions, security guards must contribute to maintaining public order and have a duty of obedience and reporting to the police.

They have limited police powers but are given custody of people who are drunk or behaving in a disruptive manner. Law enforcement officers may also use force if the task cannot be solved in any other way. There must be no more violence than is necessary to solve the task.

In the spring of 2021, there was an investigation that proposes increased powers for security guards. Among other things, they must be given the right to physically search people to determine identity. In connection with the introduction of the proposal in the summer of 2023, the security guards’ training will also be expanded, from today’s 80 hours to 160 hours.

Source: The police, the government

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