Launched to conquer a third individual Olympic title, Teddy Riner said on Friday that he was beginning to “dream”, but also to “nightmare” the Paris Olympics next year. “We will have to stay focused, I will be at home, I will be under a lot of pressure. It’s up to me to manage all that, ”said the 34-year-old Frenchman on the sidelines of a press conference for his PSG judo club. Eleven months before the deadline, the Frenchman, back from a physical preparation course in Guadeloupe, is planning for the day of August 2 at the Arena Champ-de-Mars in the capital. “It’s normal when you’re preparing for the Olympics to start dreaming about it, to have nightmares about it,” he added. “We see ourselves losing, we see ourselves winning. We see each other in the worst situation and we reverse the situation (…) I think the public will be with me, but the main thing for now is not to pay attention to that. We prepare by telling ourselves that we are going to fight in an Eastern country, so everything is against us! “.
Judo: the Games, “I’m starting to dream of them, to nightmare about them”, confides Riner