Juan Gabriel Vasquez, Colombia, the guerrillas and the Mao school

Juan Gabriel Vasquez Colombia the guerrillas and the Mao school

Juan Gabriel Vasquez’s latest novel traces the extraordinary life of Colombian director Sergio Cabrera. An intimate story that mingles with the great collective movements of the 20th century between Maoist China, the France of May 68 and revolutionary Colombia. “A Retrospective” is published by Editions du Seuil

The new novel by writer Juan Gabriel Vasquez is a historical and political fresco. But it is also an intimate and family story. A novel that tells the story of one of Colombia’s greatest filmmakers, Sergio Cabrera. A child of the 20th century and at the same time a child of his parents, republican exiles who fled Francoism to Latin America.

Her story is that of an ideal transmitted by parents – committed theater artists and convinced Maoists – who took her to learn about the revolution in the Beijing of the Cultural Revolution with her sister Marianella. He will become a zealous red guard, before returning to his native Colombia, and going underground in the Marxist guerrillas EPL.

A blood-red story, between hopes, illusions and disappointments, an individual story but which mixes with the great collective movements of the second half of the 20th century, from Cuba to France in May 68, via China and Colombia.

“A Retrospective”, the latest novel by Juan Gabriel Vasquez translated from Spanish by Isabelle Gugnon was published by Editions du Seuil.
