JR Dos Santos, when eating animals destroys our planet

Journalist, war reporter (Syria, Iraq, Ukraine), star presenter of 20H in Portugal for more than twenty-five years, JR dos Santos has established himself as one of the greatest authors of scientific thrillers in Europe and the -United. The Tomás Noronha saga, translated into 18 languages, became known in France with The Formula of God, nearly 500,000 copies have been sold (2 million worldwide) and the film adaptation rights have been acquired by Belga Films.

French cover of Animal Souls

Lisbon. A scientist is found dead, floating in the orca tank of the Oceanário. Everything accuses Maria Flor, the wife of Tomás Noronha, who was working on a secret project with this great specialist in animal intelligence.

To prove his wife’s innocence, the famous cryptologist will have to discover the real author of the crime. He then finds himself confronted with the interests of an ancient brotherhood from the past and with one of the most mysterious secrets of nature. : intelligence, emotions, animal consciousness.

What are we trying to hide at all costs ? What is the relationship between this murder and the genocide perpetrated by human beings against life on the planet ? Who are the real beasts, animals or men ? » (Presentation of Editions Hervé Chopin)

Translated from Portuguese by Catherine Leterrier.
