journalist Yeri Bocoum still missing after covering a demonstration

The Synergy of Action for Mali coalition calls for the

Still no news from Malian journalist Yeri Bocoum since last weekend. In a press release published this Wednesday, June 12 afternoon, the Synergy of Action for Mali denounces “ pick up » by journalist Yeri Bocoum, who covered the demonstration organized by this opposition coalition on Friday June 7. According to information from RFI, he is detained by the Malian state security services. The Synergy of Action also denounces a “ witch hunt » organized around its executives in Bamako.

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In exile outside Mali, Ismaël Sacko, president of the PSDA party and member of Synergie d’action, was unable to participate in the demonstration following which journalist Yeri Bocoum was kidnapped. But he does not hide his fears. “ Yeri Bocoum went missing following the report he made about the demonstration organized by the Synergy of Action, on the protest in relation to a protracted transition. He is the only Malian journalist who agreed, openly, to cover this event. So he has been missing ever since. This is an attack on freedom of expression and it is serious, continues the opponent in exile. His family, companions and friends are worried about his disappearance. No one knows where he is but everything suggests that he is in the premises of state security which is known for its kidnapping methods. We ask the transitional authorities to respect the right of the person, as a journalist, to cover events, which allows the population to know what is happening. Yeri Bocoum only did her job. »

A witch hunt », according to the Synergy of Action for Mali

As of Monday, a Malian security source confirmed to RFI the detention of Yeri Bocoum by state security, explaining that the journalist had been “ advised » that he should not cover the demonstration, which was banned by the authorities. Last Friday’s demonstration brought together only a few dozen people. It took place smoothly and without any demonstrators being arrested.

But since then, the situation has become tense. The Synergy of Action for Mali even denounces “ a witch hunt “. In the press release published this Wednesday, June 12, the opposition platform denounces the presence “ of ill-intentioned and unidentified individuals around homes » of several of its executives. A device of “ monitoring » would thus have been installed, still according to the Synergy of Action for Mali, which “ calls on the authorities in place to take urgent measures to put an end to these practices “.

Since April 10, the political activities of parties and associations in Mali have been suspended. The detained journalist’s case has not been referred to the courts at this stage.

Read alsoRelease of Hamadoun Bah: the Malian authorities bend, so does the justice system
