Journalist Yeri Bocoum has been released

Journalist Yeri Bocoum has been released

In Mali, Yeri Bocoum is free. This journalist was kidnapped in Bamako almost three weeks ago, on June 8, by men in civilian clothes, after covering an opposition demonstration. According to information from RFI, Yeri Bocoum was detained by the Malian State Security services. His family was able to confirm to RFI that Yeri Bocoum had found his family on Thursday evening.

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He is in good health. Thank God, we finally found him and we celebrated. ” At Malithe members of Yeri Bocoum’s family do not hide their immense relief, their joy: it is an ordeal of almost three weeks which is coming to an end.

It had been exactly 19 days since they had heard from the journalist, who was finally able to join his wife and three young children. Promoter of the YBC web TV, Yeri Bocoum was kidnapped near his home the day after a demonstration organized by the opposition coalition Synergie d’action pour le Mali, which he was the only journalist to dare to cover.

According to a Malian security source, Yeri Bocoum had nevertheless been “ advised » that he should not go to this demonstration, banned by the Malian transitional authorities. Reason for his kidnapping ”, or its “ arrest », the next day, by Mali State Security agents.

Like others before him, Yeri Bocoum was eventually released without his case being subject to formal legal proceedings. The Synergie d’action had denounced the disappearance of the journalist and was concerned about a “ witch hunt “.

One of the executives of this opposition coalition is obviously delighted with the release of Yeri Bocoum but immediately qualifies: “ The intimidation will continue, unfortunately. »

Read alsoMali: Journalist Yeri Bocoum Still Missing After Covering Demonstration
