Journalist Bülent is on Erdogan’s extradition list

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Following Sweden and Finland’s agreement with President Erdogan, which gives the countries the green light into NATO, Turkey is now demanding the extradition of 33 designated persons.

The people, who are described as suspected terrorists, are several both journalists and writers, several whose extradition cases have already been tried by Swedish courts – and rejected.

TV4 Nyheterna has met one of them, who calls the accusations against him pure fabrication.

– The accusations in the list of requirements are fabricated, they have no basis in reality. There are no crimes that I have committed, says Bülent Kenes, journalist and debater.

If Kenes were to end up in Turkey, he describes the best case scenario as never seeing the sun again. In the next place to be subjected to prolonged torture, in the worst case executed immediately.

In the player above: See the full interview with terror-designated Bülent Kenes.
