Joshua Osih, the successor of opponent John Fru Ndi on new fronts

Joshua Osih the successor of opponent John Fru Ndi on

Now former first vice-president of the Social Democratic Front (SDF), unsuccessful candidate in the Cameroonian presidential election of October 2018, the new boss of this opposition political group, 54 years old, is expected on projects as delicate as the establishment of the party, before the elections scheduled for 2025.

5 mins

From our correspondent in Yaoundé,

For him and his supporters, it is understood: no need to dwell on the electoral process and operations which brought him to the presidency of the Social Democratic Front (SDF), on October 29, 2023. Despite the virulent criticism aroused by its opponents on the sincerity and transparency of the vote, Joshua Osih’s team says it is ready to implement the vision of its new champion who advocates “continuity in a transformed and more determined party “. This was their campaign slogan. Now is the time for its implementation.

And there are many projects, even in the opinion of those close to John Fru Ndi’s successor. It is clear that we must as quickly as possible finish the work of establishing the party throughout the national territory, restore its brand image in public opinion and bring together the entire left-wing family », Explains Louis-Marie Kakdeu, second national vice-president, newly elected.

Read alsoCameroon: Joshua Osih elected for five years at the head of the SDF party

In this perspective, according to information from RFI, the party is considering rapprochement with civil society, unions, and other political groups sharing with the SDF, “ social democratic ideology “.

Win the prize in all local elections »

Obviously, the other area on which the new team formed around Joshua Osih is expected relates to the next electoral events, in particular the municipal, legislative and presidential elections scheduled for 2025. If, at least, the forecast calendar is respected. “ We will have to get into battle gear for the next elections. The new leadership does not intend to ask activists to concentrate on the presidential elections with a view to the election of a “Messiah“, but go to the activists to structure them and allow them to win in all local elections with a view to taking control of the municipal, regional and legislative executives. Cameroonians seem to have forgotten the semi-presidential nature of the regime which would allow to take control of the government in the event of a local victory », Underlines the second vice-president of the SDF.

The challenges awaiting the Social Democratic Front, in the perspectives it outlines, are known to certain specialists. The homeless person should “ bring together all your tendencies and reconcile yourself with the excluded frames; (re)mobilize its traditional strongholds with a new discourse of fracture, rupture and rupture with the governing system; work on a new political project, ambitious, modern and realistic which takes into account the current socio-political context, by soliciting experts; look for real economic partners who can help finance the party’s activities because the work to be done initially is immense, which combines marketing of constituencies and marketing of activists and sympathizers to establish a real activist base far from deceptive activism. the eye », Analyzes political scientist Michel Oyane, from the University of Yaoundé II-Soa.

Read alsoThe great guest Africa – Joshua Osih: “We absolutely need a social-democratic agenda in Cameroon, the SDF is the answer”

However, it is not certain that the “ reconciliation » which the academic speaks of, a sinecure. The new executive wants to be formal: “ We would like to be clear: there are no factions within the SDF. We cannot say this especially since some are no longer in the party or when they have already created their own parties. When in a family some people slam the door following a disagreement, we take note. But there is absolutely no problem if they want to come home and chat. All they have to do is ring the doorbell, and we will open it for them in accordance with the procedures in force in our statutes. », Says Louis-Marie Kakdeu.

However, the fact did not go unnoticed. The day before the opening of the SDF Congress, Jean-Michel Nintcheu, deputy in the National Assembly, initially elected under the banner of this party, launched the Front for Change in Cameroon (FCC), the new name of the Rally for Republic (RAP), created in 1992. However, Mr. Nintcheu was until then one of the leading figures of the Group of 27, considering himself “the original SDF”, made up of senior executives of this party, credited with appreciable states political service, and openly opposed to John Fru Ndi during his lifetime and to Joshua Osih, both accused of having diverted the political fight of the party. Suffice to say that the break is now complete.

The new president of the SDF projects a contrasting image

For many years, the new president of the SDF has projected a contrasting image. This is probably one of the points on which the very future of the SDF could be decided. “ To say that the future is foggy is an understatement. As a value and political thought, this party will no longer have vitality. The SDF will no longer be part of the Republic due to the permanent inconsistency now established at its head. There is nothing more to hope for. I no longer see anyone in any election. It is now an empty shell which will be resolutely and irreversibly towards collaborationism with the CPDM [Rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais, parti au pouvoir, NDLR] », predicted Jean-Robert Wafo, a long-time member of the Shadow cabinet, a shadow government, and close to Jean-Michel Nintcheu.

President Osih is rather center-left. Political experience shows us that power is not found at the extremes. This experience is gradually shared by the opportunists who had invaded the plantation abandoned by our SDF predecessors. We see them refocusing, which means that the perception of collaboration will also evolve. You should know that President Osih was the victim of the bashing reserved for anyone accused of being the heir apparent. », nuance Mr. Kakdeu.

The next elections are still far away. But they will certainly constitute the first performance indicator of the post-Fru Ndi SDF.

Read alsoCameroon: death of John Fru Ndi, historic opponent of President Paul Biya
