Jordan Bardella’s program: what does the RN offer for the Europeans?

Jordan Bardellas program what does the RN offer for the

Jordan Bardella, head of the RN list in the European elections, defends a program faithful to the Lepenist party between the fight against immigration and national preference.

Head of the list in the European elections, Jordan Bardella defends a program faithful to the ideas of the National Rally. The president of the Lepenist party emphasizes the fight against immigration, but also mentions economic subjects for which national preference is often mentioned as a solution.

The RN candidate presented his program on April 25 at a press conference. To put forward his project, Jordan Bardella has decided to officially break with the hypothesis of “Frexit”, but if there is no longer any question of leaving Europe he assures that he wants to profoundly review the functioning of the institutions of the European Union. The RN program therefore distinguishes between European measures to be retained, some to be improved and others to be removed, the last two categories being more complete.

Immigration and national preference

Jordan Bardella’s objective is to create a “Europe of nations” and to do this, he focuses on protection and production, always according to the nationalist prism of the extreme right. First on protection, the RN wants to fight against immigration and put an end to the current management by the European Union of migratory flows within member states. He also wants to strengthen the fight against illegal immigration and border control by the Frontex agency and the questioning of free movement within the Schengen area, which he wants to limit to nationals of member states.

Concerning production, Jordan Bardella says he wants to fight against unfair competition caused by certain free trade agreements and revive European production, particularly in terms of energy with nuclear power. Here again, the Schengen agreements are called into question because of the desire of the RN to establish a national priority over French public procurement. Jordan Bardella’s program also plans to return to the primacy of European law by declaring the superiority of the French Constitution over community standards and jurisdictions.

The main axes of Jordan Bardella’s program

The program of Jordan Bardella and the National Rally for the 2024 European elections has the same foundations as the other nationalist parties with which he is associated in the European Parliament. The “Identity and Democracy Party” (ID) group, in which the RN MEPs sit, has defined a common line for the 2024 European elections and officially formulated this programmatic framework:

  • Respect the principles of democracy : the Identity and Democracy party and its members base their policy on the principles of democracy and respect for fundamental rights, thus rejecting any past or present affiliation, connection or sympathy with any authoritarian or totalitarian ideology.
  • Sovereignty : ID is convinced that the sovereignty of States and peoples, based on cooperation between nations, is the solution. It therefore rejects any policy aimed at creating a superstate or any supranational model. Opposition to any transfer of national sovereignty to a supranational body and/or European institutions is one of the fundamental principles that unites the members of the ID Party.
  • Identify : the member parties of ID Parti and the European deputies base their political alliance on the preservation of the identity of the peoples and nations of Europe according to the specific characteristics of each nation. The right to control and regulate immigration is therefore a fundamental principle shared by the members of ID Parti.
  • Specificity : ID Parti members recognize the rights of each person to defend their specific and unique economic, social, cultural and territorial models in Europe. ID Parti seeks to preserve the diversity of political ideas of its members.
  • Freedoms : the members of ID Parti base their political movement on the defense of individual freedoms and underline the particular importance of protecting freedom of expression, including online freedom which is increasingly threatened today.
  • Culture as a basis for political action: ID Parti believes that culture itself is the fuel of all political action and that only an educational and scientific culture makes it possible to develop the political consciousness of citizens.

Jordan Bardella’s profession of faith

Candidates for the European elections summarize the main measures of their program in professions of faith which are sent to voters throughout France with the European elections. Jordan Bardella writes on his that voting for him on the 9th amounts to voting “to protect your identity, your borders and your purchasing power”, “to sanction Emmanuel Macron’s policy” and “to initiate alternation in France and in Europe.

Jordan Bardella’s profession of faith is available in full on the Ministry of the Interior website. The program is informed on the National Rally website.
