Jordan Bardella sets out his vision for possible cohabitation

Jordan Bardella sets out his vision for possible cohabitation

This Wednesday, June 19, Jordan Bardella visits the Eurosatory exhibition, dedicated to defense and security, at the Villepinte exhibition center north of Paris. The head of the National Rally (RN), and possible Prime Minister in the event of his camp’s victory in the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, took the opportunity to say a little more about his vision of possible cohabitation.

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With our special correspondent at the Villepinte exhibition center, north of Paris, Pierrick Bonnowith Julien Boileau

Jordan Bardella, in a three-piece suit and tie tightly around his neck, strolls between the Leclerc tanks and the helicopters of the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus, surrounded by a few European deputies and outgoing RN deputies. The possible future Prime Minister displays a certain seriousness. Jordan Bardella appears less smiling than usual, as if he was trying to give himself a posture.

Eleven days before the first round of the legislative elections, he wants to reassure in any case: “ The President of the Republic is the head of the armed forces, he will remain so and I am naturally respectful of the Constitution and the functioning of our institutions. Therefore, as I said, I do not intend to weaken the voice or the commitment of the France on the international scene, I will be extremely respectful. »

A Jordan Bardella respectful of institutions, if he became Prime Minister. As for the government he would form, it would be “ tightened ” with some “ significant means » for certain ministries. “ Delegate ministers and state secretaries » would take care of “ improve the effectiveness of public action “.

It is not expected that the very Russophile MEP Thierry Mariani be appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, continues Jordan Bardella, who hammers home a message for voters: “ I will only enter Matignon in the event of an absolute majority on the evening of the second round “. The boss of the RN wants to have free rein to govern.

The dissolution of ultra-right and ultra-left groups

Jordan Bardella also commented on an announcement from Gerald Darmanin. The Minister of the Interior is proposing to dissolve a small ultra-right group, the Union Defense Group (GUD), whose former members gravitate around the RN. “ I will have no form of tolerance towards militias, whether ultra-left or ultra-right, who are trying to shake up the French Republic. I will not have a shaking hand when it comes to their dissolution “.

All these agitations are not up to par because the insecurity figures are today at a record level and this is the direct assessment of Mr. Darmanin, Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel Attal. There is no longer a single territory today where our compatriots are safe. I will be precisely the Prime Minister who will restore the authority of the State and who will restore security to the national territory. I will have no form of tolerance towards militias, whether ultra-left or ultra-right, who are trying to shake up the French Republic. I will not have a shaking hand when it comes to their dissolution. Today, I see an ultra-left political movement forming around Mr. Mélenchon, Mr. Poutou and Mr. Hollande, and bringing together within it people who are on S files and who make comments that flirt with anti-Semitism. This is the danger today. And this obviously seems to me much more important than the ridiculous controversies that the Minister of the Interior is trying to start a few days before his departure from Place Beauvau.

Jordan at the Eurosatory Show: “I will have no form of tolerance towards militias, whether they are ultra-left or ultra-right”

Pierrick Bonno

Legislative elections: in the event of victory, the National Rally intends to submit to Parliament an emergency law on immigration

If the National Rally (RN) wins legislative elections on July 7, the far-right party intends to propose a law on immigration as soon as possible. It will include the abolition of land law, which today allows a child born in France of foreign parents to obtain French nationality at the age of 18.

This law will also contain the abolition of family reunification and that of state medical aid, which ensures that foreigners in an irregular situation, in France for at least three months, are fully covered for certain medical care, specifies Marie Casadebaig, from the French service. The RN wants to replace it with a fund which will only cover vital emergencies.

Beyond this emergency law, Jordan Bardella, the president of the party, who sees himself as Prime Minister, wants to accelerate and facilitate the removal of foreign delinquents and criminals. He recognizes that he will be faced with certain legal obstacles, impossible to remove without constitutional reform, and therefore without the support of the Senate or the green light from the head of state.
