Jordan Bardella presents the vague program of the RN and says he is “ready to govern”

Jordan Bardella presents the vague program of the RN and

The head of the National Rally (RN) Jordan Bardella presented on Monday June 24 the main axes of his project if he were to lead the government: repeal of the pension reform, abolition of land rights in France, the ban on access to certain civil service positions for dual nationals or even the promise of a “ big bang of authority “.

6 mins

During the presentation of the main axes of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella did not hesitate to tackle the rebellious France of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. For him, the New Popular Frontwould provoke the supervision of the country by the IMF just a few days after coming to power. “. Before continuing, “ The National Rally is today the only movement that can immediately and reasonably put forward the aspirations clearly expressed by the French. In three months : we are ready “.

My government’s action will take place in two stages: the first will be that of emergency management, the second stage will be that of processing reforms.

Jordan Bardella during the presentation of the main axes of his program

Prevent dual nationals from accessing certain public jobs

The party of National gathering announces that it wants to prevent people with dual nationality from occupying certain jobs: the most sensitive positions, in a country which has more than 3 million dual nationals. The only information given on the nature of the positions prohibited to dual nationals: these would be the most strategic of the State in sectors particularly linked to security and defense.

RN deputy Sébastien Chenu cites, as an example, Russian dual nationals and strategic management positions in defense. According to him, this measure would come to prevent the risk of interference. A measure which would not concern “ that very few people », according to Jordan Bardella who emphasizes that no questioning of dual nationality is envisaged.

Breach of equality between French citizens »

But for public law professor Serge Slama, the measure is inapplicable as it stands: ” We cannot exclude dual nationals from a list of public jobs, even strategic ones. This would be a breach of equality between French citizens, unless it is enshrined in law. But in this case, it could constitute a criminal offense if a French person were excluded from a position simply because of their origin. » For the constitutionalist, this is why the party regularly backs down on the question of dual nationals. His ancestor, the National Front, simply wanted to put an end to dual nationalityuntil Marine Le Pen abandons the project in 2022.

In January, the party tabled a bill which provided for the possibility of prohibiting access to jobs in public administrations and companies to French people with a nationality of another state. We are now only talking about extremely sensitive positions.

Read alsoNational Rally: a party born from a sulphurous history

A ” big bang of authority » from the start of the school year in September

On the subject of school, which he considers a priority, Jordan Bardella has a very right-wing ambition: “ Make school an inviolable haven again and this will happen at the start of the school year in September through a “big bang of authority”. » An ambition accompanied by concrete measures: “ From the start of the school year, mobile phones will be banned in educational establishments, including high schools. The registration of teachers will be compulsory and experiments with wearing uniforms will be continued. I am, personally, in favor of its introduction in primary school, but also in middle school. »

With a repression component: “ Minimum sanctions will be introduced for disciplinary advice, and specialized centers for disruptive or harassing students will be created to protect both other students and teachers. », specified Jordan Bardella. Sitting in the front row, right next to Marine Le Pen, Eric Ciotti is jubilant when Jordan Bardella takes up one of his proposals which dates from 2010 and which provides “ the suspension of family allowances and school scholarships in the event of serious and repeated disruptions within educational establishments “. An appeal to right-wing voters.

A vague economic aspect and without precise figures

Without precise figures on his program, the far-right leader confirms his desire to lower VAT on energy from 20% to 5.5% if he becomes Prime Minister. A measure that Jordan Bardella would apply upon his arrival at Matignon and which would cost, according to him, 7 billion euros until the end of the year, then 12 billion euros over the full year. An additional expense for the State that he sees offset by the elimination of some tax loopholes and the reduction in France’s contribution to the functioning of the European Union.

Regarding the much-anticipated issue of pensions, Jordan Bardella sought to “ clarify » his position and expressed his desire to give priority to long careers from the fall. Some French people who started working early and who have completed 40 years of service could thus retire at the age of 60. For others, the legal age will again be set at 62 years, provided they have completed 42 years of service. He also committed to lowering costs for businesses.

On the financing of his program, Jordan Bardella initially remained vague, then mentioned the figure of 9 billion euros, which he intends to finance in particular by ” negotiating a discount » on France’s contribution to the European Union budget.

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For energy and the environment, measures contrary to scientific recommendations and without response

The far-right party also incorporated an environmental and climate component, but which goes well against the recommendations of scientists to fight against global warming. Environmental and climate issues have long been absent from the National Rally’s programs, but if they are present today, it is above all to surf on the tensions caused by the energy transition.

The main measure presented is a moratorium on wind turbines. The far-right party prefers to bet everything on nuclear power. This even if the new planned power plants will not inject their first electrons into the network for around ten years. Until then, however, it will be necessary to support the necessary electrification of the energy mix, in order to reduce the share of fossil fuels. How ? The program does not provide an answer.

Others absent from the program: the themes of energy efficiency and sobriety. For those present but backwards. Bans on the rental or purchase of poorly insulated housing will be lifted, although the renovation of thermal sieves is a powerful tool for saving energy.

Read alsoLegislative 2024: what are the parties proposing regarding immigration in France?
