Jordan Bardella acknowledges mistakes and charges the Republican front

Jordan Bardella acknowledges mistakes and charges the Republican front

After the National Rally’s executive board meeting on Monday, July 8, to take stock of these legislative elections, the leader of the far-right party spoke on TF1’s 8 p.m. news. An opportunity for a slight mea culpa.

3 min

The day after the second round, the National Rally met in executive committee on Monday afternoon to “ learn lessons ” of the vote and analyze the results, while the far-right party came third in the second round of the legislative elections. Marine Le Pen, Sébastien Chenu were present, but also, of course, Jordan Bardella. More than two hours of discussions between the main executives of the RN, which preceded the mea-culpa, in the 8 p.m. news on TF1.

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Black sheep »

A questioning which nevertheless remained timid even if the president of the Le Pen party ” assume “errors, and even a share of responsibility in the defeat of the national rally, notably concerning the choice of candidates.” There were, out of the 577 candidates who were invested, some casting errors who gave, I believe, a bad image of our movement. A bad image that did not correspond to my values, my convictions, my political line. We will continue to work, always work ” hammered Jordan Bardella.

Thus, the RN will have to deal in the Assembly with these “black sheep” – a term used by Jordan Bardella -, who have been singled out in recent days for racist, climate-sceptic or conspiracy theorist statements. The outgoing deputy of Yonne, Daniel Grenon, had notably estimated that a ” Binational Maghrebian ” doesn’t ” his place in high places “. René Lioret, the new MP for the fifth constituency of Côte-d’Or, contested the reality of global warming, asserted that the Covid vaccine caused cancer in particular and “ fatal autoimmune diseases ” and believed that ” Africa is invading us ” while making a connection with bedbugs. Mr. Bardella had condemned ” vile remarks ” and promised to hold a ” conflicts commission ” within his party.

Moreover, according to information from World, confirmed after the fact by an RN executive, the party’s general director resigned on Monday. Elected as a European deputy in June, Gilles Pennelle was in charge of the “Matignon plan”, which was supposed to present 577 potential deputies with profiles free of any racist, anti-Semitic or homophobic background likely to harm their campaign. A resignation that was already planned, according to the explanations, but on which no communication, not even internal, had been made.

Alliance of Dishonor »

But above all, Jordan Bardella explained Sunday’s fall by the Republican front which he once again described as ” alliance of dishonor “, paralyzing France. ” Emmanuel Macron has taken the decision to throw the country into the arms of the extreme left, with whom he formed an alliance during this election.accused the party’s head of list for the European elections. There is a climate of uncertainty, within a year, the President of the Republic, these are our institutions, cannot dissolve the Assembly. I do not know what will happen in the coming months. »

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While the RN is the party that collected the most votes, ten million in total, the one who saw himself as Prime Minister assured that the victory was only deferred. With, in his sights, the presidential election of 2027. He called on his voters not to be discouraged.
