Jonna Lundell about the horror in the cell in Fångarna på foret

The prisoners at the fort are at it again! Our competitive Swedish celebrities have once again gathered at Fort Boyard to tackle cell after cell with the guidance of Agneta Sjödin and Gunde Svan. In Friday’s premiere episode, we see Ikenna Abika, Maria Montazami and Sara Montazami in team red against Joakim Lundell, Jonna Lundell and Pischa Strindstedt in team blue.

And it will be a dramatic episode in several ways.

The cell that really shakes Jonna Lundell

Jonna is involved in something that really affects her when she and Joakim get through a new cell. She is locked in a coffin where she is strapped in and with the help of a handle she has to free a puzzle that Joakim has to solve – at the same time that snakes get into the coffin.

– I don’t see how many snakes there are, but I feel how they move. They crawl on me and I think I have to keep my mouth closed, so they don’t go into my mouth, says Jonna afterwards.

– It’s the worst thing I’ve done in my entire life. I want to challenge myself, but I didn’t think I would find it so disgusting, she continues.


Here, Jonna is taken into the cell, which shakes her badly

“I’ve never felt this way in my life before”

In an Instagram story, Jonna Lundell writes about the experience and how she was affected by it afterwards.

“I was involved in something there that turned my whole world upside down. I kind of don’t even know what to write about it as I’m just completely out of words as soon as I have to write or talk about it. I just cried and cried long after the shoot no matter if I was sitting in a restaurant eating, if I was going for a walk or whatever I was doing. Something in me sort of died and I’ve never felt like that in my life before,” writes Jonna.

“In any case, I won’t be able to watch the program,” she adds.

Jonathan Nordin, executive producer at TV4, gives his commentary on the whole thing.

– The prisoners at the fort are about challenging and overcoming their fears, but of course we want all participants to go home with a good experience, says Jonathan Nordin.

– All participants are always offered professional support, but we have not experienced that Jonna left the recordings with an unpleasant feeling. But given what you are now writing, we will of course get in touch with her. Through all challenges, it is always the participants who choose whether they want to complete a cell and they can cancel at any time, he continues.

TV4 has applied for Jonna Lundell.

Stream The prisoners on the fort on TV4 Play

Watch as Swedish celebrities compete for the gold treasure at Fort Boyard off the Atlantic coast of France.
