Jonathan Sauvé brings color to life

Jonathan Sauve brings color to life

In his new book “The child with a brush”, published by Carnet de Sel, Jonathan Sauvé laughs at life. A book for young people which is a real concentrate of poetry and a hymn to difference.

Jonathan Sauvé was born in Brittany, but he lives in Dali in China, in the province of Yunnan. Father of two children, he is now publishing a new book for young people. But also for adults. A book designed to convey the idea that difference can be an asset if it is accepted and exploited to its full extent.

On the cover of his book, a small character dressed from head to toe in a kind of white jumpsuit, from which only a few discrete hairs protrude. A dot for an eye, and a pink, elongated nose a bit like a bean. A small white spiral indicates that it emerges from the bottom of the page and that it jumps above a mountain. A small hilly and colorful hill, dotted with children’s drawings, a house, a butterfly, a sun, a moon, a cloud and a few characters complete the decor. Above, in black letters on a white background, the title: child with paintbrush “, of Jonathan Sauve, published by Carnet de Sel.

Let’s open the book, and let ourselves be carried away by this humanist and colorful tale, at the height of children.

On the menu of this Café Gourmand:

  • Marjorie Bertin traveled to Naples in Italy to attend the play ” Tartuffe », by Molière, directed by Jean Bellorini with the troupe of the Teatro Stabile
  • Fanny Bleichner presents the new edition of the Salon du Livre in Paris. India is the country of honor this year.
  • Sebastien Jedor will be going to the Printemps de Bourges Music Festival. He notably met the composer and conductor Uèle Lamore.
