Jonatan, 9 years old, learned to play the keyboard at a music school in Eskilstuna

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

During the colloquium, the participants get to try out instruments, start a band and write a song that is then played for loved ones when the colloquium ends. In one of Studiefrämjandet’s rehearsal rooms, the newly formed band The Crazy Kids practices a song they composed themselves.

– The best thing has been meeting friends and being with the leaders, says Jonatan Olsson.

Eira Blauberg has worked as a leader for three years.

– It’s such an incredible wonderful feeling on the last day on stage when they perform their song, she says.

This year, there are approximately 80 children and young people taking part in the inspection, which Eskilstuna municipality finances with its legal aid.

– We work for an equal and safe music scene in Eskilstuna, says project manager Frida Herchenröther.

Hear how the children worked out a song in the video clip above
