Jonas von Essen’s nail-biting victory to the million

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Memory artist Jonas von Essen passed the 15th and last question in Postcode millionaire – and thus, as the 14th contestant since the start in 2005, collected one million kroner. Before Jonas answered the final question, he took the opportunity to use the “Call a friend” lifeline – and invited a friend to a party instead of getting help. – I felt quite quickly that I knew the answer, and had a fairly clear picture in my head. But I wasn’t completely sure. In the end, I decided to throw away the lifeline, says von Essen, with a laugh.

Always lost in the family quizzes at Christmas

Jonas is now a real memory artist and has, among other things, become a double world champion in memory. An ability he used on the journey towards the million. – In the past, I was actually very bad at quizzes, but since I started applying the memory techniques, which can be very useful in quizzes, I got better. It is a technique that everyone can use and that I am happy to spread further.

Hear Jonas von Essen reveal his memory technology that led to the million in the player above
