Jokerit washes no fewer than nine SM league clubs in the public domain – one thing still makes me think | Sport

Jokerit washes no fewer than nine SM league clubs in

Helsinki’s Jokerit has been of great interest to the public in Mestis. Jokeri’s average attendance at home matches is a whopping 3,734, even though it has played almost half of its home matches in Kerava.

Even here, Jokerit washes nine SM league clubs in viewership averages. Kiekko-Espoo, which is promoted to the SM league, is also far behind, and has twice sold out its hall, drawing 6,982 spectators, against the Jokers. Without the Jokerit matches, its viewership average would be 1Â 565 viewers.

Kerava can only hold 1Â 240 spectators. If you calculate the Joker’s average only from the matches at the Helsinki ice hall, it is a whopping 5,740 pairs of eyes. This would already put them in fourth place in the comparison of SM league clubs, although in quantitative terms the Jokerit has played far fewer home matches compared to the league clubs.

CEO of Jokers Antti-Jussi Niemi is satisfied with the general amount. According to Niemi, before the start of the season it was really difficult to evaluate the general numbers, because the Jokers did not have strong data to support the evaluation.

– We have been really satisfied. The audience has been somewhat higher than the initial estimate, says Niemi.

Super fans were moved by the return

For example, Jokerit had budgeted 4Â 000 spectators for the matches at the Helsinki Ice Hall. Playing on Nordenskiöldkatu, on the other hand, also costs more in terms of rent, technology and other expenses.

Depending on the content of the match event in Helsinki, the Jokerit will reach their own with around 3 000–3 500 spectators, according to their calculations.

– In the beginning, it was really exciting to see where the average goes and what you are satisfied with. Always wishes there were more, but you have to be satisfied. Expectations for Saturday’s Kiekko-Espoo match are high. We hope that we can also get the public to come to the playoffs to watch Mesti.

Even though the Kerava games are included in the average, Jokerit is ahead of nine league teams in the audience average. How does that sound?

– Yes, that sounds great. The greatest thing is that the Jokers are interested. From the beginning, it has been a very positive surprise for me, how much interest the Jokers really have and how moved, especially our top fans, have been by the return of the Jokers.

– Not only at home, but also with strangers. There have been general records and almost all away games have been sold out. It has been very positive how the Jokers are interested both at home and away.

How will Mestis be interested in the future?

Regarding Jokers, the question mark is probably how much interest there will be in Mestis in the future. After the sold-out matches at the beginning, Jokeri’s average viewership has recently stabilized at around 4 000–5 000.

– Of course we wonder how the interest will last and how far this phenomenon will go. Also Mestis versus Liiga, so this is a lot series-related.

According to Niemi, Mestis, on the other hand, enables cheaper ticket prices. Jokerit also strives to develop its match events continuously and plans to reflect on next season’s events at the edge of the bigger table. According to the interim report of the visitor survey, the viewers have been extremely satisfied with the Joker event, according to Niemi.

– The basic formula has been functional, but the series level of course (has an effect). We try to do everything we can to make it an entertaining and comfortable event that’s easy to get to and you don’t have to pay unexpectedly.

In terms of finances, there is enough work

The average viewership has been above budgeted, but according to Nieme, Jokers have enough work to do in terms of their financial results. For the Jokers, it is really important that ticket sales remain good even in the playoffs.

The managing director reminds that, in terms of expenses, the Jokerit has invested quite a lot in the junior side, because according to the long-term strategy, the Jokerit intends to have a self-sufficient team in the future.

– When something new has been started, there have been quite a lot of start-up costs. Yes, in terms of the budget and finances, there is enough work.

The Jokerit would return to being a big club

In its last report, Ernst & Young (EY), which studied the finances of SM league clubs, revealed, among other things, the importance of the Jokers to the SM league. According to the review, Jokerit would probably return to being a major club and its turnover would be estimated at 10–15 million euros.

According to the report, the club would also significantly increase the interest of the league product and have a positive effect on the television contract as well.

– The Jokers would definitely have a really big meaning, because the question would be the return of one big club to the League. The significance can certainly be sought by comparing the size and importance of HIFK to Liiga, head of EY’s financial administration advisory services Janne Aalto says to Urheilu.

– The return of the Jokers would raise the visibility of the league in the media and also the interest in the localities significantly.

A large part of the income from elsewhere

The differences in average viewership values ​​are large in the SM league. In Tampere and Helsinki, the numbers are around eight thousand, but in smaller towns the average is around three thousand.

What kind of spectators even make sense to support a league team? According to Aalto, it is not so straightforward. According to Aalto, in order to compete for the championship year after year, the average viewership must be more than 7,000.

However, the league can also be played with significantly smaller audiences, because a large part of the income comes from the television contract and cooperation partners. Audience and box office revenues are about 20–30 percent of turnover.

At this moment, the financial situation of the league clubs is divided in two. The big clubs and Tampere clubs are doing well and their business is profitable.

– Then there are a few smaller clubs that are struggling even in the face of significant challenges. Some of the clubs live entirely through income financing. In a few clubs, we are dependent on the owners and need additional funding from time to time.
