Jointly with the DG of the MEF: we need liberalization and a reduction in the weight of regulation

MEF set up technical table on taxation and football supervision

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – It is necessary to act on measures of liberalization and reduction of the weight of regulation. This was supported by the Council of Assonymousthe association for Italian joint-stock companies, in today’s meeting with the Director General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte.

The discussion within the Giunta, chaired by Patrizia Grieco, then concentrated on issues related to a strategy for the development and modernizing our capital market.

In his speech, the Director underlined how this aspect is “one of the priorities on the government’s agenda”. In particular, the review of the regulatory architecture which governs the capital market and in particular the stock market, should start from the work carried out by the Ministry of the Economy, also with the collaboration of Assonime, which has been translated into the Green Book.

Barbieri then underlined how legislative intervention on these issues cannot be separated from a broader perspective of policy interventions in favor of the competitiveness of our entrepreneurial system.

Finally, the Junta has co-opted among the members: Monica De Virgiliis, President SNAM; Barbara Marinali, President ACEA; Giuseppe Notarnicola, President STMicroelectronics; Marco Pescarmona, President MortgagesOnline.
