Joint pain: what are their causes?

Joint pain what are their causes

Pain affecting the joints can have various causes: trauma, pathologies such as osteoarthritis,arthritis, gout but also the flu. If these pains are frequent and intense, a consultation with the doctor is necessary.

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Some pains joints are due to trauma. This is the case, for example, of a spraina ligament rupture, during a sports injury.

With age, the joint pain are often caused byosteoarthritis : a degradation of cartilage which is related to aging. L’osteoarthritis often touches the kneehip, elderly people, sportsmen or people in overweight.

Many causes of arthritis

L’arthritis is an inflammation of the joint which may be due to:

  • an infection, bacterial or viral. So the flu virusthe chikungunya lead to joint pain. Acute arthritis may be accompanied by fever, it is manifested by an inflammation of the joint which is swollen, red and painful. The bacteria responsible forinfectious arthritis are often streptococci or staphylococci, these bacterial arthritis are medical emergencies;
  • the rheumatoid arthritisa form of chronic arthritis: in this autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks joint cartilage;
  • the drop : due to a lack of elimination of theUric acidmicrocrystals can deposit in the joint and cause inflammation.

Finally, some medications cause joint pain.

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