Johnny Depp trial: the actor and Amber Heard separated by the police

Johnny Depp trial the actor and Amber Heard separated by

JOHNNY DEPP AMBER HEARD. Police had to maintain a safe distance between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard as they came face to face during the trial currently taking place in Fairfax.

[Mis à jour le 9 mai 2022 à 14h17] Since the opening of the defamation lawsuit between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, the tension has been palpable. The 36-year-old star accuses her ex-husband of serious violence, including hitting and raping her, while the fetish actor of Tim Burton totally denies it. The tension is such that security was forced to separate the two former spouses during the trial.

On a video taken by the Fairfax court, broadcast live, we can see Johnny Depp heading for the exit for a break in the trial. But Amber Heard was in her way and seemed terrified when she saw her ex heading towards her. She began to back away, forcing the police officers in charge of security to intervene so that the distance between the two actors was maintained and that they did not find themselves face to face. The confrontation was avoided, Johnny Depp was forced to step aside to let Amber Heard walk away. As a reminder, the two exes would not have spoken to each other since the start of the trial, not failing to accuse each other at the bar.

In France, no trial is broadcast live or streamed for everyone to see. But things in the United States are different. The trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard began this Monday, April 11, 2022. And the confrontation between the two ex-spouses is broadcast live from the US. The American channel Court TV is responsible for broadcasting the trial live from Fairfax on its website. However, this is not accessible on platforms like Youtube.

Johnny Depp met Amber Heard on the set of the film Rhum Express, released in 2011. The couple married in 2015, before separating in 2016. The actress seen in Aquaman accuses him of domestic violence, which Johnny Depp denies, claiming to have received blows from his ex-wife. In July 2020, a defamation lawsuit pitted the actor against the Sun, which had called the actor a “violent husband”. On November 2, 2020, Johnny Depp lost his lawsuit against the Sun and appealed for judgment. After collecting testimony from the actress and relatives of both parties, Judge Nicol ruled that the words and qualifications used by the Sun in their article were “substantially true”.

After the decision was made, a Sun spokesperson reacted to AFP by stating that “theVictims of domestic violence should never have to be silent”, thanking the judge and the actress “for her courage to testify before the Court”. The lawyers of Amber Heard for their part considered that “this decision and this judgment are not a surprise”, the actress wishing however “to obtain justice” in another procedure which is in progress in the United States. Following this defeat, Warner Bros asked him to withdraw from his role as Gellert Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts, which he accepted. However, he continues to maintain his innocence. He is replaced by actor Mads Mikkelsen for the third installment.

Since April 11, 2022, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have been facing off in court in Fairfax, United States. The ex-spouses accuse each other of defamation, Johnny Depp having filed a complaint against his former wife after a column published in the Washington Post in 2018 in which she claimed to be the victim of domestic violence, without naming him, ruining her career according to him. Johnny Depp is seeking $50 million in damages. Amber Heard, she counter-attacked by filing a complaint in turn for defamation against her ex, claiming this time 100 million dollars.
