Johnny Depp hunts one of the most legendary serial killers of all time

Johnny Depp hunts one of the most legendary serial killers
Johnny Depp has played many chilling roles, thanks in no small part to director Tim Burton (Sleepy Hollow). Tonight, however, he is on TV on the hunt for one of the greatest serial killers in history. The visually stunning comic adaptation From Hell

recreates 1860s London in gory scenes. And shows Depp as an opium addict.

Today on TV: Visually stunning horror with Johnny Depp as a drug-addicted investigator

When his character, Frederick Abbeline, isn’t banging his head in some flophouses, she’s as an inspector of the London Police on the trail of an incredibly brutal series of murders. His perpetrator soon becomes known as Jack the Ripper and threatens prostitutes like young Mary Kelly (Heather Graham). Thanks to the respected doctor Dr. Gull (Ian Holm), the investigator soon uncovers a conspiracy in the highest social circles.

The film adaptation of the award-winning comic book of the same name by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell met with criticism rather meager reactions. Consensus on aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes describes the film as “visually impressive, but dull and uncreepy“. Empire loves the acting, but criticizes the incomprehensibly written serial killer character of the Ripper.

The film’s rhythm and story could indeed be more compelling, but it’s always made up for by camerawork and acting talent. Crazy horror visions in bright colors and the eerily majestic London at night leave deep impressions. In addition, viewers will love Ian Holm after this film at the latest.

When is From Hell with Johnny Depp on TV?

From Hell is coming tomorrow, Sunday, August 14, 2022, at 12:35 a.m. on ProSieben. The film has a length of 122 minutes without commercials. Directed by Albert and Allen Hughes (Book of Eli).

The best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Disney+ and Co.

In the latest edition of our podcast Streamgegefuehl we take a look back at the streaming films of the year so far. Netflix, Disney+ and Co. have outbid each other with elaborate productions. But which of the films are really successful? In the podcast we talk about our top 10 best streaming movies of 2022.

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The streaming year was very varied in the film sector. A red panda has thrown Toronto into chaos while a princess struggled from the top floor of a tower to the ground floor. We were also able to experience the first moon landing through children’s eyes and received an amusing Jackass encore.

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What do you think of From Hell?
