Johnny Depp got serious health problems after the first Pirates of the Caribbean part

Johnny Depp got serious health problems after the first Pirates

Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is one of Johnny Depp’s most popular characters. Billions of fans enjoyed the unique pirate character across five films. For Depp himself, however, the character initially had bitter consequences. After the first Pirates of the Caribbean he suffered from a severe depression because of him.

After Pirates of the Caribbean: Johnny Depp suffered from depression because of Jack Sparrow

He revealed this in an interview with IGN in 2003:

I loved the character so much. That’s what you do after the end of the shooting a kind of pressure equalization and a depression through which you’re like, “I was just this other guy for six months. And now I’m never seeing him again.” I don’t mean that you become a character. But you are so familiar with her. It feels very strange [sie nicht mehr zu spielen].

Johnny Depp initially developed the character Jack Sparrow against Disney’s wishes. She became a big franchise powerhouse, huh eased the actor’s pain of separation should have. After all, he was able to play her in four more Pirates of the Caribbean adventures after the debut.

When will fans see Jack Sparrow again in Pirates of the Caribbean?

Johnny Depp has famously asserted that never wanting to go back to Pirates of the Caribbean. Whether that is true, however, is another question. Another actor could also embody his character, for example in a prequel. The long-awaited Pirates of the Caribbean 6 has no launch date yet.

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Do you want to see Jack Sparrow in the cinema again?
