Johannes cannot hand in his broken Tesla because of the strike

In the accident, there was nothing beyond a substantial dent on the trunk lid. No electronics or lights were damaged and the car is still drivable.

Although the car mechanics at Tesla’s authorized workshops are on strike, there are other car workshops. But if you leave the car there, it can cause complications later on.

– Technically speaking, it may be possible, but I think that my insurance company and Tesla themselves want you to go to authorized workshops because of guarantees and so on, Johannes Pietilä Löhnn.

Now you can’t fix the car because there is a strike. What do you think about it?

– It’s unfortunate when it directly affects us end customers and if it happens that cars that shouldn’t be on the streets still drive around. When it comes to license plates that don’t go out to Tesla, I think it’s a different matter. It’s for cars that aren’t on the streets yet.
