Johan wants to put solar cells on the roof of his villa – detailed plan puts a stop to it

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Johan’s example, which also Hallandsposten has previously told about, is not the only case in Halmstad municipality. Several detailed plans mention the color of the roof tiles, which puts an end to solar panels. A proposal to ease the rules is underway, but until then stakeholders can sit quietly in the boat.

– We realize that the electricity prices are really out of whack, so we need to make it easier for many more people, says Jenny Axelsson (C), chairman of the community planning board, who recently commissioned the relevant administrations to review how the problem should be remedied.

In the clip, Johan Graper criticizes the municipality’s detailed plans and Jenny Axelsson (C), chairman of the community planning board, responds to the criticism.
