Joel Lundqvist’s disappointment against Frölunda – the captain now appeals to his own club: “I have to be honest”

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He goes by the nickname “The Captain of the Captains”.
Now Joel Lundqvist appeals to your own club, Frölunda.
– I have to be honest. It’s clear that I want to see it, says the SHL veteran to Göteborgs-Posten.

It was last summer Loui Eriksson’s contract with the Arizona Coyotes expired and immediately rumors began to circulate. But now we are already in November and the 37-year-old is still without a club.

Lundqvist’s plea

The NHL veteran has been strongly linked with a move to the SHL and there Frölunda has been singled out as the big favourite. Now the club’s pride Joel Lundqvist chooses to open up as his disappointment that Frölunda has not acted yet and now appeals to his own club.
– I have to be honest. It is clear that I wanted to see him in the team. I’ve played with him, I know what he can do. I can’t say more than that. I have said that from day one, says the captain in an interview with Göteborgs-Posten.

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221029 Frölunda’s Joel Lundqvist during the ice hockey match in the SHL between Frölunda and Malmö Redhawks on October 29, 2022 in Gothenburg. Photo: Michael Erichsen / BILDBYRÅN / COP 89 / MI0365

Lundqvist also admits that he had a conversation with the sporting director Fredrik Sjöström to get Eriksson into Frölunda’s squad.
– We keep what the players and I discuss internally. Me and Joel talk about many things, he is after all our captain and we have many discussions every day, says Sjöström himself to the local newspaper.

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600 NHL points

But it’s not just Joel Lundqvist who wants Eriksson in, but also the Frölunda coach Roger Rönnberg has a good eye for the NHL-qualified 37-year-old.
– I like Loui, absolutely. Both as a person and what he has done as a player. Then I don’t know if Joel secretly trained with him and saw that he is in shape as well. I’ve said it all along that I have the greatest respect for Louis’ hockey skills, says Rönnberg to GP.

The article continues after the picture.

221015 Frölunda’s players celebrate after 2-3 by Joel Lundqvist during the ice hockey match in the SHL between Frölunda and Färjestad on October 15, 2022 in Gothenburg. Photo: Michael Erichsen / BILDBYRÅN / COP 89 / MI0355

Loui Eriksson has scored a whopping 613 points in 1,050 games in the NHL and 27 points in 85 games in the SHL for Frölunda. He has also won World Cup gold, World Cup silver, World Cup bronze and Olympic silver with Three Crowns and can boast a World Championship gold for Frölunda from 2005.

Do you want to see Loui Eriksson in Frölunda? Share the article and have your say!

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