Joé Dwèt Filé, Saïna Manotte and Ash The Best in the Pot of Tropical Colors

Joe Dwet File Saina Manotte and Ash The Best in

Joé Dwèt Filé, author, composer, performer back for the release of Daddy9, his new album released on June 23. Saïna Manotte, Guyanese singer. Today she is releasing her first novel. A zakari and a dance, in which a young Guyanese woman faces the realities of Creole society in the 20th century. Ashs The best, the rapper artist who has been evolving in the Senegalese musical landscape for 10 years. In December 2022, he releases the EP Tukki which means Travel in Wolof.

To view the clips, click on the song titles:

Joé Dwèt Filé feat Dadju – Molo

Ashs The Best – Ayway samba

Saïna Manotte and Maxime Manot’ –it’s always you

Joé Dwèt Filé feat Tayron Kwidan’s – Blankie

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