Joe Biden’s withdrawal raised an emotional wave in Baltimore – this is how voters commented on the decision | Foreign countries

Joe Bidens withdrawal raised an emotional wave in Baltimore

Surprise, disappointment and sympathy. Emotions are mixed among voters in Baltimore after the withdrawal of President Joe Biden.

Anni Kavander,

Ville Hupa

The sun is blazing in Baltimore’s inner harbor, where locals walk in 30-degree heat.

Just a moment before, the President of the United States Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the presidential race.

Svenska asked Democratic Party supporters in Baltimore, Maryland, whether Biden’s decision was the right one.

University teacher Tamara tells about his thoughts.

– I was surprised! Just this morning I read that Biden plans to continue campaigning, but now he has dropped out, he says.

Do you think Biden’s decision was the right one?

– Does not, in my opinion. He still had my support. But opposition to his candidacy only grew, so the result was this.

Now Tamara hopes that Biden’s vice president Terrible about Harris would become the Democratic presidential candidate.

– Biden has said that he supports Harris, so I hope that the whole party will get behind his candidacy.

Like many other Democrats, Tamara fears the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s to win the election.

– That thought scares me, frankly!

– This forces Trump to adapt to the new situation. I think he had built his entire campaign around attacking Joe Biden for being too old.

Eyes are already on the future

Also Bill Main supports Democrats. He speaks for many when he says he is relieved.

– It was the right decision by Biden. He was headed for an election loss, and America needs a younger president.

Main’s spouse Tonia Edwards somewhat agrees, albeit somewhat reluctantly.

– I’m sorry about that. Joe Biden has done a good job. However, it was time for him to leave, he seemed to be suffering from age-related problems.

However, the eyes are already on the future.

– I look forward to the Democrats starting a blue wave and defeating Trump.

Biden enjoys respect

In Baltimore, the Democratic Party has strong support. Almost nine out of ten voters there voted for Joe Biden in the previous presidential election.

Biden is liked and respected by his voters.

Vinnie Hatton is dressed in a dazzling white party dress. She is celebrating her wedding day with her husband.

However, Biden’s announcement makes him ape.

– Biden has a big heart, and he has always put his country first. He is a selfless man.

Hatton also wants to see Kamala Harris as the new candidate for the Democrats.

– That would be a great choice. Harris and Biden seem to share the same values.

The story is a translated article from Svenska ‘s story.
