Joe Biden’s press conference does not reassure the Democratic Party

Joe Bidens press conference does not reassure the Democratic Party

A highly anticipated moment yesterday in the American election campaign. The press conference at the end of the NATO summit by US President Joe Biden. As calls for him to withdraw from the race for the White House for health reasons multiply, Joe Biden got off to a bad start to this highly-attended evening.

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The President of the UNITED STATES had to reassure. Joe Biden began by causing concern by confusing, before correcting himself, the names of two leaders currently at war with each other. He calls Volodymyr Zelensky by the name of his mortal enemy.

Then mixing the names again. That of his vice president and that of his Republican opponent Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris is the name most often mentioned to replace him if he were to drop out. the race for the White House. ” She is capable of it ” said Joe Biden.

I wouldn’t have chosen her if I didn’t think she could be president. From the beginning. I didn’t hide it. She is qualified to be president. That’s why I chose her. “.

Joe Biden has no intention of giving up his seat

There’s a lot that can happen. But I think, I know, and I believe that I’m the best qualified to govern, and I think I’m the best qualified to win. Others could beat Trump, too, but it’s hard to start from scratch. “.

A reference to his record of which he is very proud, but also to the more than 200 million dollars currently in his campaign coffers and which will be difficult to transmit less than four months before the election.

“Finish the job”

Joe Biden has repeatedly said he wants to ” finish the job ” engaged in 2020, and assured that he would still be able, if re-elected, to ” manage “Chinese and Russian presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin in three years.

I had three intense and substantial neurological exams » led by a neurologist, the last « in February,” he recalled, and “they say I’m in good shape ” He has once again brushed aside the bad polls.

The support of the French president

The American president had barely completed an hour of discussions with journalists when two additional Democrats asked him to give up their seats. Revolt has been brewing for several days within the Democratic Party.

After the slip of the tongue in his press conference, French President Emmanuel Macron, when questioned on the subject, defended his American counterpart.

“France, Europe, Ukraine are lucky to have an American president as committed as he is”

Emmanuel Macron defends Joe Biden

Read alsoUnited States: Joe Biden’s candidacy under pressure before a decisive press conference
