Joe Biden’s first ‘late’ visit to the Mexican border

Joe Bidens first late visit to the Mexican border

Joe Biden announced Thursday that his administration would deny people from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Haiti the ability to seek asylum if they cross the Mexican border illegally. The US president, who is about to travel to the US-Mexico border, is facing strong pressure from southern states. In Texas, many criticize this first visit “ late in El Paso. the Dallas Morning Newsrecalls that a a massive influx of migrants has overwhelmed local shelters “. For the New York Timesthese Sunday announcements represent “ his administration’s most aggressive effort to discourage migrants to cross the border.

Cubans, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans and Haitians can however apply legally via an application and come, if they are eligible, to work for two years in the United States. ” 30,000 people will receive this authorization each month “, remember Le Nouvelliste, which devotes its front page to it. The Haitian newspaper also gives the procedures to applicants for immigration.

► To read also: Joe Biden presents his new policy to fix a “broken” immigration system

Ovidio Guzman arrested again in Mexico

It’s a slightly blurry image in one of Milenio. Ovidio Guzman appears there, taking place in a helicopter. He was arrested during an operation in the northwest of the country. The one we call El Raccoon (La Souris) is one of the sons of the notorious drug lord ” Chapo “, leader of the Sinaloa cartel, imprisoned in the United States. He was arrested in Culiacan, capital of the state of Sinaloa, and ” transferred to Altiplano High Security Prison, Mexico State “. ” act two “, precise Milenio, since he had already been captured in 2019, but released to avoid a bloodbath. ” His hit men threatened to attack the population “recalls the newspaper.

In prevention, the airports in the area or even the schools have been closed, writes The Razon. Ovidio Guzman” is at the top of the list of the fifteen criminals that Mexico must extradite in priority “. ” For the Americans, he is an important element of the cartel structure and is held responsible for the introduction of drugs into American territory for more than six years. “, adds the daily.

► To read also: Mexico: arrest of Ovidio Guzman, son of drug trafficker El Chapo

United States: a coalition in the House of Representatives?

In the United States, the gavel of the Speaker of the House of Representatives has still not found a buyer. For Politicodemocrats revel of the misadventures of the Republicans. However, ” a few elected Democrats have started to engage in preliminary conversations with them “and to talk about a possible candidate” consensual to end the crisis. But, according to Politico, It is still too early. The Democrats” are determined to let the Republicans struggle ” a little more.

January 6, 2021: a disturbing suspect still at large

Two years after the attack on the capitol, more than 300 suspects remain untraceable. In particular, insists the washington post in his editorial, the most disturbing suspect: a man or a woman, who wears a hoodie on the remote surveillance videos, and ” who planted fully functional pipe bombs outside the seats of the Republican and Democratic National Committees on the night of January 5 to 6. They ” did not explode, but probably achieved their objective, which was to keep a large number of agents away from the Capitol “. Authorities raised the reward from $100,000 to $500,000 for information leading to his arrest.

In Haiti, a pastor sanctioned for ” public indecent exposure »

Amel Lafleur is banned from pastoral activity for a period of five years, explains Loop Haiti. This sanction comes after the publication on social networks of videos in which the man of the Church simulates sexual positions with his own daughter in front of a religious assembly “. The pastor is sanctioned under the decree of October 18, 1978 which ” condemns any activity detrimental to public order and morals within the Church “. This measure had been encouraged by the government commissioner pending the trial of Amel Lafleur.

On Wednesday, the pastor did not appear in the civil court of Port-au-Prince, explains Alterpress. He is ” expected again, Monday, January 9 », « to respond to facts of “contempt indecent public”, which he is accused of “. Already accused in 2017 “ of rape and kidnapping of a minor”precise Alterpress, Amel Lafleur is prohibited from leaving Haiti. For the Protestant Federation of Haiti, its ” excesses (…) are a blow to moral values “.

Peru: Dina Boluarte launches a final call for dialogue

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte has “ called on people protesting in different parts of the country to take the path of dialogue “, writing Correo. She encouraged them to come to Lima or invite the executive to visit their regions. ” Let’s put an end to these marches once and for all and move on to finding solutions to your needs “said the Head of State. ” After a truce, the demonstrators took over the main streets and avenues of the country. More than 20 roads are already blocked “, noted La Republica.Protesters continue to demand early elections and the departure of Dina Boluarte “.

► To read also: Peru: the president rules out any resignation and demands early Congress elections
