Joe Biden wants 100 percent tax on Chinese electric vehicles

Joe Biden wants 100 percent tax on Chinese electric vehicles

US president Joe Biden wants to impose a 100 percent tax on Chinese electric vehicles and this will be officially announced very soon It is said.

US president Joe Biden Chinese plans to reduce the 25 percent tax on electric vehicles to 100 percent and also impose some extra costs. In this way, Biden wants to prevent Chinese vehicles with a very high price-performance ratio from invading the US automobile market and causing losses to the automobile giants in the US. has long had a negative perspective towards Chinese-made electric vehicles, which are considered to be very cheap thanks to government support. What Biden did on this issue: “They don’t compete. They are cheating (specially with big government support). And we see the damage of that here in America.” The statement is reminded, there is a general anger towards Chinese vehicles. Most of their cars Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, which sells in China, also In recent months, he had warned that Chinese manufacturers would destroy their domestic competitors without trade barriers, and this made a lot of noise. Meanwhile, the Biden administration wants to impose extra taxes not only on electric vehicles but also on batteries and solar panels coming to the USA from China.It is said that announcements in the process will be made next week. Taxes on Chinese electric cars are not only on the US agenda, steps are also being taken in Europe on this issue. In fact, the last person to speak on this issue was Ola Källenius, the boss of the Mercedes-Benz company, and the manager stated that he did not want extra taxes on the Chinese.


In case you missed it, there has been a big boom in Europe in recent years. There is a Chinese auto boom. European Commission President Von der Leyen, who did not like this situation, said at the end of last year that Brussels was disrupting the European market. He announced that he would launch an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese-made electric vehicles.. Von der Leyen on this subject, “Global markets are now flooded with cheaper Chinese electric cars, whose prices are kept artificially low by massive government subsidies. “This situation is disrupting our market.” he said.

This issue came up again last week because authorities, after months of investigation, He said he had found evidence that China was “unfairly” subsidizing electric vehicles exported to Europe.. As far as reported, due to this situation, “retroactive” customs duties may be imposed on electric vehicles brought from China, and extra taxes may be imposed thereafter. The entire automobile world is closely following the process, which will end in November. It is known that European officials have been in China for a while and have been conducting on-site inspections.

Here is a statement on exactly this subject: Ola Källenius, head of Mercedes-Benzstates that he believes that increasing competition will force European brands to produce better cars, in this context, Europe’s He thinks that customs duties on electric vehicles imported from China should be reduced, not increased..

Källenius, who thinks very differently from many of his competitors on this issue because his brand does not compete in the low-priced automobile category, said that the reason for Chinese brands to export to Europe is It is a natural consequence of competition and states that this should be responded to with better products and technologies. Källenius also states on this subject: “This is the market economy, let competition increase.” He also explains.
