Joe Biden urges Congress to continue funding the fight against Covid-19

Joe Biden urges Congress to continue funding the fight against

The Covid-19 pandemic, even if it is less in the forefront of the news, continues to cause concern with an increase in the number of cases of contamination in certain regions of the world. We must therefore not let our guard down, tried to convince, this Wednesday, March 30, Joe Biden.

From our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

Journalists accredited to the White House are hurling questions about the war between Russia and Ukraine. Opposite, Joe Biden does not respond. One sleeve up, he is receiving his second booster dose of the coronavirus vaccine, authorized for a few hours for those over 50 in the United States.

Lead by example

He therefore strives to set an example and to explain that no, it is not over and that he needs the means to continue the fight. ” We have enough stock to administer these booster doses to eligible people. But if Congress doesn’t act, we won’t have the supplies needed this fall to make sure the doses are free and easily accessible to all Americans. Worse still, if we need a new vaccine in the future to fight a new variant, we won’t have enough money to buy it. We can’t let that happen. »

Keeping American Commitments

And if Joe Biden is addressing Congress, it is because the latter refused, in the last budget law, to grant the 15 billion dollars he was asking for to put in place his anti-Covid strategy. 19. For the president, it is now urgent to finance, not only tests, treatments and vaccines in the United States but also to meet American commitments on vaccination throughout the world.

Read also : Joe Biden acts on the change of strategy against the Covid-19 and asks for more money
