Joe Biden promises US protection during the NATO process

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The President of the United States promises Sweden and Finland protection while the application to NATO is being processed.

“While their applications for NATO membership are being considered, the United States will work with Finland and Sweden to be vigilant against all threats to our common security, and to deter and confront aggression or threats of aggression,” President Joe Biden wrote in a statement to Thursday’s meeting with Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and Finnish President Sauli Niinistö.

Hultqvist: “No written agreements”

At the same time, Secretary of Defense Peter Hultqvist has had a meeting with the US counterpart Lloyd Austin and those responsible for the US Air Force and Navy – where, among other things, security guarantees have been discussed.

– We have no written agreements. But we have discussed the issue and then it is about naval presence, exercises on the army side, air presence and that we should look at the cyber side. This planning has already begun and is gradually evolving. But the most important signal here is that during this gray zone phase, we have a presence and interest from the USA to safeguard Swedish sovereignty, says Hultqvist to SVT Nyheter.

– It has been a good meeting. It is an extremely strong support for the Swedish application to become a member of NATO, almost an overwhelming support, he says after the meeting.

Biden: “Sweden and Finland have made important decisions”

Joe Biden hopes that Finland and Sweden will be able to join the NATO military alliance “quickly” and points out that the countries have made important decisions.

“Sweden and Finland have made the important decision to apply for NATO membership after thorough democratic processes in each country. “NATO guarantees the security of one billion people in Europe and North America – united by our common commitment to democratic principles and our vision of peace and prosperity in Europe and around the world,” the statement said.
