Joe Biden honors return of White House Correspondents Dinner

Joe Biden honors return of White House Correspondents Dinner

For the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the White House correspondents’ dinner took place on Saturday April 30 in Washington in the presence of the President of the United States. As tradition dictates, Joe Biden adopted a humorous tone, while pointing the finger at Russia.

With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

It is the return of an American politico-media-worldly tradition. And when a tradition could not be celebrated for three years, there are often people to honor it: more than 2,500 people duly vaccinated and tested were present at the White House for the event.

And the tradition of this dinner is self-mockery. Joe Biden does not forget it while having fun being in the midst of journalists, the ” only group less popular than him he said, before chaining on a pike to Donald Trump who never participated when he was president :

This is the first time in six years that the president has attended this dinner. It’s understandable: we had a horrible plague, followed by two years of Covid-19.

This dinner is above all an opportunity to celebrate freedom of the press and freedom of expression. Giving the floor to South African comedian Trevor Noah, Joe Biden underlines this: “ I’m going to hand over to Trevor now, and buckle up. Trevor, the real good news is that you can make fun of the president of the United States, but contrary to what happens in Moscowyou won’t go to jail. »

Trevor Noah has prepared jokes for everyone, but if he affirms that he will go harder, with the president, he remains ultimately very measured: “ I’ll be honest, if you hadn’t come, I would have totally understood. These people have been so hard on you, which I don’t understand. Since you’ve been in office, things have really taken off. Gasoline, rent, food… everything increases. »

Read also : War in Ukraine: “It is impossible to be a journalist in an independent media in Russia”
