Joe Biden claimed to have met a doctor who died before the president was born

Joe Biden claimed to have met a doctor who died

In his speech on Tuesday, Biden also briefly mixed up the wars in Ukraine and Iraq.

President Joe Biden Tuesday’s speeches have caused confusion in the United States.

In a speech to his supporters, Biden claimed to have met the doctor who would have developed insulin.

– Do you know what it costs to make insulin for diabetes? Insulin was invented by a man who didn’t patent it because he wanted it to be available to everyone. I spoke with him, Biden stated.

They discovered the hormone produced by the body in 1921 Frederick Banting and John James Richard Macleodwho received the Nobel Prize for their discovery in 1923. Banting died in 1941, and Macleod in 1935. Biden was born in 1942.

Banting didn’t want his name on the insulin patent because he thought it would be unethical for a doctor who took the Hippocratic Oath. Macleod also refused the patent.

Biden could also refer to two doctors who lived after Biden was born, to James Collip or to Charles Best, but contrary to Biden’s claims, they have taken the patent in their name. The duo transferred the rights to the University of Toronto in 1923 for a price of $. Banting, Macleod, Collip and Best thought (you switch to another service)that insulin should be available to everyone.

Biden spoke to his supporters about the ways in which the president’s administration has tried to lower the cost of health care for citizens. Among other things, they told about Biden’s struggle Sky News (switch to another service), New York Post (switch to another service) and New York Times (you will switch to another service).

At the same event, Biden also briefly confused the Iraq and Ukraine wars and claimed that his son had died in the Iraq war.

– Inflation is a global problem due to the Iraq war, the effects on oil and Russia’s actions. Sorry, because of the war in Ukraine.

– I think about Iraq because my son died there, Biden continued.

Biden’s son, who returned from Iraq in 2009 Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015 in the United States.
