Joe Biden campaigning in the West

Joe Biden campaigning in the West

Joe Biden is traveling to the western United States, a real campaign trip to raise funds. But also to try to convince a hesitant electorate, particularly in the key state of Nevada.

1 min

With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

This weekend of December 9 and 10, candidate Joe Biden will look for money. He travels to several fundraising events, notably among wealthy, mostly Democratic donors in Hollywood. But he also distributes money. Along the way, the president stopped in Las Vegas, Nevada. With the gift of funding for the country’s first real high-speed train line. Between Las Vegas and Los Angeles: this is due to enter service in 2028, for the Olympic Games in the Californian city and for the president, at 300 km/h, it will change life.

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Trying to drive from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, the other way, or anywhere in between is really hardsaid Joe Biden for the occasion. It can take up to seven hours. This will soon no longer be the case. We are investing $3 billion in this rail line, so people can make the trip in just over two hours. This new line will transport eleven million passengers per year. That means more visitors, more business for Las Vegas, more money. »

And also, Joe Biden says, more jobs and he hopes, more votes for him, too. He needs it. Nevada will be one of the states that swings the election in 2024. The latest poll of the New York Times y gave a ten point advantage to Donald Trump.

Read alsoUnited States: Hunter, Joe Biden’s son, indicted for “tax evasion”
